In the heart of Gold Coast, Australia you’ll find Serotonin Productions tucked away within the trees of Gilston. During our third Studio Tour, we were fortunate to hear from Guy and Jake and check out the amazing recording studio.

Our visit was documented in a two-part video. During the first segment, you will enjoy a candid chat with Guy and Jake. Their conversations ranged from the intricacies of music production to their ambitious dreams of expanding their studio. There’s some great information shared in this section, we know you want to checkout all the gear BUT this chat is very insightful.

The second half of the video provided a behind-the-scenes look at the studio itself. From the Control Room to the Live Room. Check out the extensive array of analog hardware, microphones and instruments.

You can learn more about  Serotonin Productions over at

Check out our 2 previous Studio Tours over here and right here!

Team Mex